March 8, 2019

Hamama’s Story: Yemenite Jewry in Yemen and Israel

2.24.2019 and 3.3.2019 Yemenite Jews in Yemen and In Isarel Two-part lecture about the history of Yemenite Jews in Yemen and their immigration and integration in […]
March 8, 2019

Hebrew Book Week in Hillel Torah

on February 25, 7th and 8th graders met with the author Sarit gradwohl to talk about writing and about the history of Yemenite Jews.  
March 8, 2019

Women of Talmud Group

On January 31 2018, the women of talmud met Sarit Gradwohl. Reviewing her Book: Sapri Tama Temima, they talked about the history of Yemenite Jews.
March 8, 2019

Testimonial about Yemenite Jews lecture Part 2: immigration and integration of Yemenite Jews in Israel

From: Manya Treece Sarit – I just wanted to say that your talk this evening was wonderful. It was fascinating, the stories you shared about your […]